Our Services
At Mint Super Audits, we are proud to support SMSF trustees, accountants, advisors, and administrators with high-quality auditing services.

Why Choose Us?
At Mint SMSF Audits, we know how important validity and accuracy of SMSF financial records are. We work hard to ensure that all legal requirements of your annual audit are met and that your self-managed super fund is complaint with the SISA and the SISR.
Anyone who runs a self-managed superannuation fund must, by law, ensure that the fund is audited at the end of each financial year by a registered SMSF auditor. An SMSF auditor is responsible for ensuring the fund’s compliance with superannuation rules and regulations, and checking that all financial records are valid and accurate. SMSF auditors operate under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
SMSF audits consists of two elements. For the Financial Report audit, we will need:
– An Audit Engagement Letter signed by the Trustees
– A signed Trustee Representation Letter
– A Financial Report (including Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Member Statements)
– A completed Annual Tax Return
– Supporting documents for all items in the Financial Reports
For the Compliance Report audit, we will need:
– Permanent files of the SMSF
– Copy of signed Trust Deed
– Copy of signed Minutes of Meetings
– Copy of signed Investment Strategy
– Copy of signed Consent to act as Trustee and Member Applications
– Copy of signed Trustee Declaration (applicable for SMSFs established after 1 Jul 2007)
– Copy of signed Pension documentation (if the fund is in pension mode)
– Actuarial Certificate (if applicable)
– Life insurance certificate for members (if applicable)
– ASIC Annual Return if the SMSF has a company acting as the Fund’s Trustee
Yes, you will still need to meet audit and tax return requirements for self-managed superannuation funds.
Absolutely! We’re here to help the SMSF audit process run smoothly. We look forward to you getting in touch!