As trustees of a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), it is crucial to have a clear understanding of SMSF Asset Valuation Guidelines according to the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) standards. These guidelines provide trustees with guidance on how to determine the market value of their SMSF assets in a fair and reasonable manner. The ATO takes a general approach, stating that the market value of SMSF assets can be determined by anyone, as long as it is based on objective and supportable data.

Table of Contents
- General SMSF Asset Valuation Guidelines
- Key Aspects
- Real Property
- Listed Securities
- Unlisted Securities
- About Us
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
General SMSF Asset Valuation Guidelines
According to the ATO, trustees can perform valuations for specific assets within their SMSF as long as there is a fair and reasonable process in place. This process should take into account relevant factors that may affect the value of the asset, such as natural disasters, macro-economic events, global pandemics, market volatility, and any changes to the character of the asset. It is important for trustees to undertake valuations in good faith, using a rational and reasoned process that can be explained to a third party.
While it is not mandatory, it is advisable for trustees to consider using a qualified independent valuer to determine the market value of SMSF assets under certain circumstances. This is especially true if the asset comprises a significant portion of the fund’s total assets or if the nature of the asset indicates that the valuation may be complex or difficult.
However, the ATO’s updated valuation guidelines state that if a trustee obtains a valuation from a qualified independent valuer for a fund asset, they do not need to have a valuation completed by a qualified independent valuer every year. Instead, the trustee must assess whether the previous valuation can still be used to support the current valuation of the asset. This assessment should consider whether the valuation is still appropriate and document the trustee’s rationale behind this conclusion.
It is important to note that if a valuation from a qualified independent valuer has become materially inaccurate or if the value of the asset has significantly changed since the last valuation, the trustee should no longer rely on that valuation. In such cases, it is advisable for the trustee to obtain a new valuation for the relevant asset or use other forms of evidence to support their determination of the asset’s market value.
Key Aspects
One of the key aspects emphasised by the ATO is the focus on the valuation process rather than the person conducting the valuation. The ATO expects trustees to carefully document the annual valuations of SMSF assets and provide them to the fund’s auditor in compliance with SIS Reg 8.02B. This documentation helps ensure transparency and accountability in the valuation process.
When it comes to specific SMSF assets, the ATO provides guidelines for valuing different asset classes. Let’s take a closer look at a few examples:
Real Property
Real property, such as residential or commercial properties, often represents the largest asset class within an SMSF. To comply with market valuation requirements, trustees can use a range of methods to determine the market value of their SMSF’s real property. These methods include:
Qualified Independent Valuer: Engaging the services of a qualified independent valuer who specializes in property valuations can provide an accurate and reliable assessment of the property’s market value.
Recently Acquired Property: If the property was recently acquired, the purchase price can be used as an indication of its market value. However, it is important to note that this method may not be suitable for properties that were purchased a long time ago or in a rapidly changing market.
Online Valuation Services or Real Estate Agents: Trustees can also use online property valuation services or seek an independent appraisal from a reputable real estate agent. These sources can provide valuable insights into the value of similar properties and recent comparable sales in the area.
Multiple Sources of Information: To ensure a comprehensive and accurate valuation, trustees are encouraged to consider multiple sources of information. This can include assessing the value of similar properties in the area, reviewing recent comparable sales data, and even consulting local council rates notices, provided they align with other evidence.
For commercial properties, the use of net income yields can be considered as an additional factor, but it should not be the sole basis for determining market value. It is essential to consider the relationship between the tenants and the property and evaluate if the income yields align with the market conditions.
By following these valuation methods and considering various sources of information, trustees can ensure that the market value of their SMSF’s real property is determined accurately and in accordance with the ATO’s guidelines. This transparency and diligence in valuing real property assets helps to uphold the integrity of the SMSF and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.
Listed Securities
Apart from real property, another important asset class within an SMSF is listed securities. The ATO provides clear guidance on valuing listed securities for the preparation of financial statements. The market value of listed securities should be based on the closing price of the security on its approved stock exchange or licensed market on 30 June of the relevant income year.
Unlisted Securities
On the other hand, valuing unlisted securities, such as units in an unlisted unit trust or shares in a private company, requires a consideration of multiple factors. The valuation should encompass the value of the assets held by the entity and the consideration paid for the acquisition of the units or shares. Trustees can support the valuation of unlisted securities by seeking an independent expert valuation of the entity’s assets or referring to the date and price of the most recent sale of units or shares between unrelated parties.
Understanding and adhering to these valuation guidelines for specific SMSF assets is essential for trustees to fulfil their compliance obligations and maintain accurate records. Trustees should maintain meticulous documentation of the valuation process, including the methods employed, the data sources consulted, and the reasoning behind their valuation decisions. This documentation not only assists the fund’s auditor during the annual audit but also demonstrates the trustee’s diligence and commitment to fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities.
In conclusion, trustees of SMSFs must thoroughly understand the ATO valuation guidelines for SMSF assets in order to navigate the complex landscape of asset valuation. While trustees have the flexibility to determine the market value of SMSF assets, it is important to ensure that the valuation process is fair, reasonable, and supported by objective data.
By following the ATO’s guidelines, trustees can confidently determine the market value of their SMSF assets, including real property, listed securities, and unlisted securities. Whether trustees choose to engage a qualified independent valuer or utilise other sources of information, the key is to adopt a transparent and well-documented approach. This includes documenting the annual valuations of SMSF assets and providing them to the fund’s auditor.
About Us

MintSuper is your to-go specialised SMSF auditing expert. We ensure your self-managed superannuation fund functions within regulations by having a thorough understanding of the ATO’s valuation criteria and SMSF compliance by staying up to date on industry changes, ensuring accurate audits.
We place great emphasis on personalised, dependable service, strong client connections, prompt support, and ensuring your SMSF audit is professional, precise and confidential
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What are the benefits of having an SMSF? A: Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) offer several benefits, including:
Greater control: With an SMSF, you have control over how your superannuation is invested, enabling you to align your investments with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
Investment flexibility: Unlike traditional super funds, SMSFs allow you to invest in a range of assets, including direct property, shares, bonds, and managed funds.
Tax advantages: SMSFs offer potential tax benefits, including lower tax rates on investment income and capital gains, as well as the ability to strategically manage tax obligations.
Estate planning: An SMSF allows for effective estate planning, giving you the ability to direct your superannuation assets to specific beneficiaries upon your passing.
It is important to note that establishing and managing an SMSF requires careful consideration and compliance with regulatory requirements. Seeking professional advice is recommended to ensure it is the right choice for your individual circumstances.
Q: How often should an SMSF be audited? A: SMSFs are required to undergo anannual audit by an independent auditor who is registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). The audit must be conducted before the SMSF’s annual return is lodged. Therefore, an SMSF should be audited once every financial year.
Q: Can I rely on a previous valuation for an SMSF asset? A: While the ATO’s valuation guidelines state that a valuation from a qualified independent valuer does not need to be obtained every year, trustees should regularly review and assess the appropriateness of the previous valuation. If there have been significant changes in the value of the asset or if the previous valuation has become materially inaccurate, it is advisable to obtain a new valuation or use other forms of evidence to determine the market value.
Q: Can I perform the audit of my own SMSF? A: Although a lot can be done independently it is still recommended the audit of an SMSF to be conducted by an independent and registered SMSF auditor. This ensures objectivity and compliance with regulatory standards. The auditor should have the necessary qualifications and experience to accurately assess the compliance of the SMSF’s financial statements and operations.
Q: What happens if an SMSF fails its audit? A: If an SMSF fails its audit, it is important to rectify any issues and address the auditor’s concerns. The trustees should work with the auditor to understand the reasons for the audit failure and take the necessary steps to rectify any compliance breaches. Depending on the severity of the issues, the ATO may impose penalties, additional taxes, or even disqualify the trustees from managing their SMSF.
Q: How can MintSuper help with SMSF auditing? A: MintSuper specializes in providing top-tier SMSF auditing services to trustees, accountants, and financial advisors. Our experienced team understands the intricacies of SMSF compliance and the ATO’s valuation guidelines. We offer comprehensive audit services, ensuring that your SMSF is audited accurately and in accordance with regulatory requirements.